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Residential model in augmented reality

#augmentedreality #augmentedrealityapp #Unity

Neat and simple mobile application that's purpose is to show the detailed 3d model of Puro Hotel in Poznań. This is a service of ours that is booming lately - forget about sending jpegs to your clients. Give them your model in AR. Cheap and simple. You can learn more here.

From our blog

Will a team overseas understand what is the real purpose of my project?

Say you want to develop your project, but you still have not found a development team that you could trust. There's a lot of software, VR and AR agencies out there. Each has different skills, experience, work culture, and of course–a different location. The fact that they are somewhere on the other side of the Ural, next to the Chinese Sea or somewhere near the Crimea raises your fears. You think: "This guy works in an office in Ho Chi Minh. Will he be able to understand what my goal is and what are the nuances of running my venture?"

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